Kambia workshop center Sierra Leone



1. Live meeting

Time Topic
9.00-9.30 Walk-in
9.30-9.45 Opening – Setting the scene – disability in development perspective – strategies for leaving no one behind
9.40-09.50 Keynote address: 1:  Disability mainstreaming in development programs
9.50-10.00 Keynote address 2: Disability inclusion – do we reach all people with disabilities in disability programs?
10.00-10.40 Plenary Panel – reflection on keynote speeches
10.40-11.10 Coffee break and interactive polling
11.00-12.00 Break out session 1: Inclusion challenges and effective approaches.

  1. Session A – SRHR & intersectionality
  2. Session B – Hybrid program: Community Based Rehabilitation- reaching out the grassroots level
  3. Session C – Hybrid program: Inclusive Education
12.00-13.15 Lunchbreak
13.15-14.15 Break out session 2: Putting ideas into practice

  1. Session A – Involving youth with disabilities in SRHR
  2. Session B – Hybrid program: Nurturing inclusion: Home and family practices
  3. Session C – Hybrid program: Financial inclusion and employment barriers
14.15-14.45 Coffee break
14.45–15.30 Interactive Lightning Talks:

  1. What lessons can we learn from gender mainstreaming?
  2. What lessons can we learn from stigma reduction in TB / Leprosy?
  3. What lessons can we learn from effective youth participation?
  4. Making disability programs truly inclusive
15.30-16.00 Wrapping up & reflections
16.00-17.00 Drinks & networking reception


2. Online sessions

time Topic
10.45-11.00 Opening – Setting the scene – disability in development perspective – strategies for leaving no one behind
Interactive polling
11.00-12.00 Break out session 1: Inclusion challenges and effective approaches

  1. Session B – Theme Community Based Rehabilitation – reaching the grassroots level
  2. Session C – Theme Inclusive Education
13.15-14.15 Break out session 2: Putting ideas into practice

  1. Session B – Nurturing inclusion: Home and family practices
  2. Session C – Financial inclusion and employment barriers
Online World café


[Register here]